From the 21-23 June BCCC-Africa was in Accra, Ghana to celebrate the successful conclusion of the project on “Marine Litter and microplastics: Promoting the environmentally sound management of plastic waste and achieving the prevention and minimization of the generation of plastic waste in Ghana “
On March 28, 2023 BCCC-Africa organized a Workshop on National Reporting obligations under the Basel Convention.
Context: The project ‘Marine litter and microplastics: promoting the environmentally sound management of plastic waste and achieving the prevention and minimization of the generation of plastic waste’ (BRS-Norad-1), financed by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), seeks to prevent and significantly reduce marine litter and microplastics by strengthening capacity in Ghana.
The Basel Convention Coordinating Centre for the African Region (BCCC-Nigeria) is inviting applications for the positions of regional gender & labour expert for the project “Circular and POPs-free plastics in Africa (GEFID11049)” which is being implemented by UNEP, with BCCC-Nigeria as the executing agency. The objective of this project is to reduce the import, production and use of POPs in plastic-containing products and the generation of uPOPs in selected the countries (Kenya, Nigeria, South-Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe).
The Basel Convention Coordinating Centre for the African Region (BCCC-Nigeria) is inviting applications for the positions of National Project Preparation Experts for the project “Circular and POPs-free Plastics in Africa (GEFID11049)” which is being implemented by UNEP, with BCCC-Nigeria as the Executing Agency.
From 31 Janauary - 2 February, the Basel Convention Coordinaing Centre for the African Region (BCCC-Africa) in collaboration with the Secretariats of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, the Joint Environment Unit of the United Nations Environment Programme (JEU) and the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) convened focal points from 11 West-African countries