On inauguration of a Steering Committee, the Centre will be governed by a Steering Committee made up of the Directors of the Basel Convention Regional Centers in the African region, representatives of the Federal Government of Nigeria, one member state representative from each of the Basel Convention Regional centres in the African region, representatives from UNEP, UNIDO, AU, ADB, ECOWAS, SAICM, and EU. The role of the Steering Committee is to advise the Centre on issues relating to the development and implementation of the activities of the Centre.
The BCCC-Africa is currently staffed with an Executive Director, a Programme Officer an Administrative Officer, an Accountant, a Secretary and a Research Associate. Some lecturers and professors from the faculties of Science, Social Science, Technology, Agriculture and Medicine of the university of lbadan are Associates/Consultants to the Centre; as well as experts from the African region and the international community.