The Centre is currently housed in a bungalow located at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. This building was funded solely by the Federal Government of Nigeria and was officially commissioned on August 9th 2004 by the Honourable Minister of Environment then, Colonel Bala Mande (retired).
The building complex is made up of air-conditioned and furnished offices consisting of the Directors & Secretary's Offices, Programme Officers Office., the Administrative & Accounts Office a seminar room capable of sitting 18 participants in a conference setting, E-library, a reception with a small exhibition section, a store and a kitchenette.
The Centre also houses the GEF/UNIDO Geo-Environmental Research Centre (GRC) and a furnished laboratory complex which consists of a wet analysis laboratory, Atomic Absorption Spectrometer/Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometer (AAS/ICP) room, Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS) room , Bioremediation samples storage room, Microbiology room (equipped with a Laminar flow cabinet )and a Sample grinding room.
Other facilities at the Center include six (6) desktop computers, two (2) laptop computers, internet facility, two (2) 60kva generators; and a 2011 model 2.7 Litres Toyota Hilux project vehicle respectively.
In general the Centre has been working with chemicals MEAs secretariats through the oragnisation of national and regional workshops on New POPs for the Stockholm Convention (2010, 2011 and 2012 respectively) and national workshop on the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention (2009) and GHS implementation in Nigeria in 2009. BCCC-Africa has been participating actively in SAICM activities at the regional and global level. It is a member of the Africa Core Group of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM). The Centre is also a member of the Project Steering Committee (PSC) of the Nigerian SAICM QSP project on the draft SAICM National Implementation Plan in Nigeria. The Director of BCCC- Africa proposed through the Africa group in SAICM the adoption of electronic waste (e-waste) as an emerging global policy issue at the second International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM2) in Geneva in 2009,. The Centre is a member of the UNEP SBC Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment Working Group (PACEWG) and the Centre's Director has been co-chair of the Working Group since inception of PACE in 2009.